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scooter store Article Of The MonthMobility Scooter Batteries
By Jason Gluckman
Mobility scooters are powered by heavy-duty batteries. Various companies have come up with different kinds of batteries. The prices differ with the varying capacities. Distinct batteries power different models of mobility scooters.
A three-wheel scooter with a 143 lbs capacity is fitted with 2 batteries, 12V, 32 amp that power the vehicle with a maximum speed 4.25mph and cover 25 miles. The same pair of 12V, 32amp power a three-wheeled scooter of 205lbs, with a maximum speed of 5.75 mph and cover 25 miles. The pair can be used for all other models of three wheeled scooters, with different lbs.
A 166lbs full weight four- wheel scooter empowered with a pair of 12V, 32amp battery, runs to a speed of 5.0 mph and cover 25miles. A 355 lbs four- wheel scooter is fitted with a 12V, 100amp battery that enables the scooter to achieve a max speed of 10mph and can cover 25miles, when charged once. A 270lbs, full weight four- wheeled scooter with a capacity of 400lbs, is set with a pair of 12V 40amp battery.
The extra heavy duty scooters with a weight of 280 lbs and maximum capacity of 500lbs are empowered with a pair of 12V, 48 amp batteries, that power the vehicle to a speed of 7.0 mph and covers 25 miles. Whereas scooters with 270 lbs and 309 lbs full weight and a maximum capacity of 500 lbs, run on a pair of 12V 32 amp batteries, that powers both the scooters to attain a speed of 5.7 mph and cover 25 miles and more.
It is advisable to drivers to not pay much for a pair of batteries. They cost an average of $40 a piece. It is essential to make sure that the scooter is charged twice a week, especially in winter.
About The Author
Mobility Scooters provides detailed information on Mobility Scooters, Electric Mobility Scooters, Used Mobility Scooters, Mobility Scooter Reviews and more. Mobility Scooters is affiliated with Cheap Motor Scooters.
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Scooters are cool - St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Fri, 18 Jul 2008 04:30:00 GMT
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