Why I Like yamaha scooters
Featured yamaha scooters ArticleNot Your Average Electric Scooter Anymore
By Jessica Deets
With so many styles and features, these aren�t your average scooters and they�re not just for kids anymore!
Both adults and children can gain from the pleasure and convenience of electric scooters. Whether your children want a fun way to zoom around the neighborhood, or you�re college student without transportation to class, or your work commute is too hard on your feet, almost anyone can benefit from an electric scooter.
Most electric scooters are easily compactable, using no dangerous fuels, have short charging times, and quiet motors. Ride your scooter to work or school and store it under your desk. Save time and skip the walk, save money on gasoline, and even do a small favor for the environment. Not only are electric scooters practical, they�re fun!
With quiet riding electric scooters, there are no smelly fumes and no need to mess with gasoline fuel. Plus scooter batteries are recyclable. While many riders choose scooters for the entertainment value, these earth-friendly vehicles are a sensible alternative to automobiles.
There are dozens of scooters to choose from, such as ZAP, GoPed, or Razor just to name a few. Your first step toward purchasing your new scooter is to make a list of what you�re looking for. Manufacturers tailor some scooters for children, with a weight limit and a lower maximum speed. But other scooters go faster and further, supporting more than 200 pounds.
Scooters can cost from under $200 to over $1,000. Whatever your needs, you�re sure to find a scooter in your price range. You can even choose an electric scooter with a seat.
Electric scooters are battery powered and rechargeable. Most charging times are less than eight hours. Your scooter may even have a quick charger.
Do you want to travel in style or do you just want to play in the backyard? There are trendy seated scooters complete with a headlight and rearview mirrors, usually priced around $2,000. More basic stand-up types vary in speeds and range. There are even off-road and stunt scooters for the more adventurous.
Even if your scooter is designed for a multitude of uses, be sure to observe safety. Wear proper attire and obey traffic laws. Avoid quick moving or congested traffic, give pedestrians the right of way, and operate your scooter defensively.
Make sure the scooter�s age recommendation suits your child�s abilities. For example, Razor makes an easy to control, three-wheeled scooter suitable for children as young as two.
Just like learning to drive, you should thoroughly read the users manual and practice enough to feel comfortable before heading out to the open road. And just like your car, don�t drive your scooter while drinking alcohol. It might be a toy, but it can still be dangerous. Find out your local laws regarding scooters in public places. While gas-powered scooters are not allowed on public transportation, you may be able to tote your scooter on the bus.
Take care of your scooter and it will provide you with years of entertainment. Since there are relatively few moving parts, electric scooters are reliable and durable. Many scooter manufacturers sell replacement parts online. Most adults can assemble and repair parts. However, having some bicycle mechanic knowledge certainly helps. The drive belt that powers the scooter is similar to a bicycle�s chain system.
Once you find your perfect electric scooter, make sure you are ready for curious questions and amused onlookers. Scooters are growing in popularity. Manufacturers are developing more creative designs and innovative features each year. Get ready to enter a new world of enjoyment and convenience with your new electric scooter.
Copyright (c) 2006
About The Author
Jessica Deets researches the internet and finds helpful information. You can find out more information about electric scooters at http://www.scootertrooper.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jessica_Deets
Let's Look At More yamaha scooters
I have owned about 40 Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha scooters over the years. Given basic maintenance I've generally found them to be quite reliable. Scooter owners tend to be more hands off than motorcycle owners, which is fine as long as the maintenance still gets done. A well maintained scooter may go 50,000 miles or more before a major rebuild. A poorly maintained scooter won't even last 5000 miles.
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As with anything, be careful when ordering Razor scooter parts online. There are many Razor scooter communities out there with members who love recommending their favorite dealer. Be cautious about giving away information like credit card information or other personal info. And be aware of knockoffs! When you're outfitting your Razor vehicle, your personal safety can be on the line. Remember, you often get what you pay for.
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The spark must occur at the right time. Just about all scooters made since around 1980 have an electronic ignition. These systems can rarely be set. In general, the spark occurs just before the piston reaches the top of it's stroke. There is a slight delay between the spark plug fire and the fuel-air mixture ignition. That's why the spark occurs a little early. Most ignition systems have an advance unit build in. As the engine speeds up, the time of the spark retards a little bit. This helps the engine fire the mixture at the proper time.
Starting Fluid
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